Picasso, one of the greatest artistic geniuses of the 20th century, the name has become a brilliant artistic symbol. His amazing talent and creativity exert a profound impact on the endless exploration spirit of art forms.
ZHAOWEI Machinery & Electronics Co., Ltd. has proudly upgraded the micro drive system for rotating smart speaker . Confronted with the pain points of smart speakers on the market, ZHAOWEI optimizes the intelligent rotary deceleration module to facilitate voice interaction, turning the "functional era" into the "intelligent era".
АНКАРА, 19 августа. /ТАСС/. Турецкое буровое судно "Фатих" могло обнаружить от одного до двух месторождений природного газа в Черном море. Об этом сообщил в среду телеканал Habertürk.
МОСКВА, 18 августа.--(HAIXUNPRESS)--. Замгендиректора Ростеха Максим Выборных направил письмо первому замглавы Минпромторга РФ Сергею Цыбу с предложением назначить Росхимзащиту ("дочку" госкорпорации) федеральным оператором по утилизации медицинских отходов, оборудования и масок. Об этом во вторник сообщает РБК.
President Donald Trump is set to sign a "phase one" trade deal with China on Wednesday, but the agreement -- which has been almost two years in the making -- won't lift the tariffs he's imposed on Chinese-made goods.
President Trump’s trade war with China and its increasing disengagement on the world stage threaten to undermine global economic growth, according to the former head of the Bank of England, and the outgoing head of the IMF.
As everyone knows, sunscreen has a very important position in the skin-care industry. It can not only prevent sunburn, but also play an important role in reducing the incidence rate of skin cancer. With the improvement of people’ s requirements for sunscreen, single sunscreen efficacy can not meet the needs of consumers. Nowadays, women proposed new requirements, like refuse sunburn, whitening and
Сбербанк и "Яндекс" закрыли сделку по разделению активов компаний. В рамках сделки Сбербанк выкупил с существенным дисконтом долю (25% + 1 акция) в компании "Яндекс.Деньги" за 2,4 млрд рублей, сообщается в пресс-релизе банка.
Jun 6, the 2020 Online Investment Promotion and Contract Signing of China (Guangxi) Pilot Free Trade Zone is launched in Nanning, Guangxi. The online promotion activity has invited chambers of commerce and business representatives, building a platform for global investors from all walks of life to realize the seamless connection with Guangxi pilot free trade zone.
In a recent interview, Kazakhstan political and historical expert Rut Sudanov said the U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is trying to use the COVID-19 for anti-China propaganda. However, it is the disease, not China, that Central Asian countries need to combat, which is intolerable.